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Showing posts from July, 2011


Guys, percaya ga percaya, istilah mudik hanya ada di Indonesia loh. Mudik yang berarti pulang ke asal, atau kampung halaman menjelang Ramadhan dan Lebaran hanya terjadi di Indonesia! Wich mean, yang suka kemana2 dan melanglang buana cuma orang Indonesiaaaa.. Great. Pada hari ini, tepatnya 30 Juli 2011, I'm here, sitting on dining room with a bored feelin. How could? There's no music, movies, or any chit chat here. That's why I don't like to go home like this. Besok kita bakalan mulai puasa, hari ini seharusnya gw ikutan tarawih di mesjid depan rumah, tapi betapa sebelnya gw, karena tadi siang pas gw bangun tidur, tiba2 gw lagi dapet alias menarche. Terus ngapain dong gw balik? Ya yaa.. Visitting my parents, and ask for bucks :D I wanna go back to Nenjer.. even there was so silent, i love being there than here. My mom and dad still like tom and jerry, both of them wont start peace each other. So me and my others sister and brother were a victim of they're selfishness